Tired As A Mother with Shante' Renee

You Have a Higher Standard

Shante Renee Episode 4

I am deeply grateful for your support and for tuning in to Te' Talks Podcast. Today's episode, "You Have a Higher Standard," is a must-listen for anyone who wants to achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

We discuss the power of setting high standards and how it can transform your life. By striving for excellence, you will not only achieve your goals but also inspire others to do the same. We also explore the challenges that we face in our pursuit of excellence and how to overcome them.

I urge you to listen to this episode and take action toward raising your standards. You deserve to live a life of purpose and fulfillment, and this episode will help you get there.

Thank you for being a part of Te' Talks Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Hey, y'all, we are in episode number four of Tay Talks and I am super excited. I took last month off just to readjust to some things that was going on in my life, which were good things, nothing negative. But, yes, it was needed. But your girl is back with episode number four. Yes, this podcast today is solo dolo, but it's all good because you know what God told me to do. So you know I'm trying to make sure I be in his will with what he tells me. So, y'all, today I want to just jump straight into today's topic. So today is more so of an affirmation and reason being. It's because of the fact, by the time this podcast is over, I pray that it touches whomever may need this and allow this to be a daily conversation that you have with yourself. So today's topic is you have a higher standard. I'm going to repeat that one more time you have a higher standard. Now I'm going to speak for myself.

Speaker 1:

I have been in certain situations, let's be honest. I have been in certain relationships, friendships, being in certain job positions and things like that, where I feel like I compromised and I just accepted it and I knew that for a fact that I should be in something different. I shouldn't tolerate the things that I was going through, and a lot of times this is what happened with us. We get in certain situations. I'm not going to say for us, I'm going to speak for me. I have been in certain situations where I knew my time has expired but I kind of forced it just to stay. Um, I'm just gonna say, for even example, like okay, yes, thank god, this is my second marriage, right, my first marriage. I knew my time has expired, but I was forcing it to work and so they had to make me readjust my life, you know, so being on certain jobs I can't have, I definitely can't admit.

Speaker 1:

I have been in some positions and I'm like, and it's not that, you know, I think I was better than anybody, or nothing like that. It was just that it was the fact that I knew God told me you can do better, and when God said that thing to you and you still in a certain situation, or something like that, then that's when your feelings get hurt. Um, things happen, make you questioning yourself and stuff like that, and that's that's what today. I want you just to keep in mind. You have a higher standard. So I'm only gonna give about three points about, um, what's the benefits, what is the benefit of you having a higher standard in this? And it's not that you, you being um, you're boasting about yourself or you bragging upon yourself or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you just have to know, like yo, this ain't my level, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, especially when you know, whatever situation you may be in, you're still being humble and you're not thinking that you're better than anyone, because that's the thing where people mess up at. They feel like they're getting in certain situations any better the person or they better than the situation than it is. And then, next thing, you know God didn't knock you off that doggone high horse that you was on and had to force you to be in a position where you had to humble yourself. But this time I'm speaking to those who need that encouragement to know yo, it's better out here for me. So, um, I just speaking to those who need that encouragement to know yo, it's better out here for me. So I just want to say that title one more time you have a higher standard, dang, that one is sitting with me right now, so let's jump on into it.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing is the first benefit of when you get to a point you have your mindset, because everything is a mindset. If your mind is made up, okay, I'm going to stay in this situation, I know I'm not happy, or you know certain things like that Then that's where your mindset is at. But when you get to a point where you know what, like yo, your girl deserve better, your boy deserve better, like this can't be it, this just can't be it, and you telling yourself, like yo, my standards, I got higher standards. You know what I mean. And it's, it's and that's. Just take, for example, you know after a while, like as a kid I loved McDonald's. You couldn't tell me nothing about a good 10-piece sweet and sour sauce. Give me some sweet tea on the side with that thing and some hot fries, I am content. Now I'm to a point don't bring me to the mcdonald's, that's, that's just not going. I'd rather have a home-cooked meal over some, over some mcdonald's. But that's because of my mindset, my, my taste. But everything has changed over time and it's just because of the fact. It's not that you know, my money's too good for mcdon, I just have outgrown it. You know that's something that now I get my kids, you know if they want something like that or whatever, but you know, that's just that.

Speaker 1:

So the first benefit of having a high standard is number one you create better relationships, and this could go with personal relationships, this could go with professional relationships on your job and things like that. Because when you finally set that standard to a point where you know what I'm not going to accept the foolery that you're coming with, then you're going to create a better relationship, not only for yourself but for the people that surround you. Because once you start feeling appreciated and you start feeling like you know what, what I feel, like you value me as a person, or as your spouse, or as your boo, or on your job, anything like that Then once you start feeling like you're important, you start doing things different, you start operating different. Take, for example you're working on a job and your supervisor is just off the chain. I have had some crazy supervisors and it was to a point where I'm like you know what? Yo, I deserve better than this, because I do not need to be treated like this, or you don't have to act like this, that and the third. But once I finally got to that job where I'm like, oh shoot, my boss appreciate me, it made me start coming to work on time. You know what I mean. Like you're supposed to be on time anyway. But when you start feeling like you're appreciated, you start operating different. And then, once you start building those better relationships, then you start getting connected with the right people who need to be around you. And then that's when you're able to identify a whole lot easier of the people who shouldn't be around you. If they come around and your, your spirit get off, like you like uh, and you can't really explain it. Evaluate your circle. If your circle ain't ten toes down for you or your circle ain't giving you that support that you need, then go ahead. Ain't nothing wrong with leaving them behind. It's no love loss or anything like that. But you know your standards are high and they may even start saying well, yo, you know what should I take? Operating different? That's fine, cool, as I should, because my standards got higher. I expect different stuff for me. I'm not going to expect the same foolery that I expected from you. Know a previous situation when I know God has elevated me. So that's the first thing.

Speaker 1:

The second thing is the benefit of having a high standard. You challenge yourself to do new things. You got to step outside your comfort zone. If you've been praying for something new or you know you're praying that God, I just want to do something different. And if he starts showing you things and you're like, ooh, like, this is different, but I'm kind of uncomfortable, you're going to have to in order for you to walk into something that's really valuable to you. For you to step up to that standard, it's going to come with some sacrificing of you. So it may be you're going to set some different goals. You're going to set some goals that you know well. You know it. Before it was easy for me to obtain this, but now you're setting goals where you know what dang I got to work outside my comfort zone to achieve this one you know. So that's just the main thing.

Speaker 1:

With that one, with challenging, you're gonna, when you set those different standards, you're gonna start challenging yourself to do new things. Your expectations of you is totally different and you're gonna know that is god that's behind, that's pushing you, because he heard your prayers, he heard he. He then been with you through your fast and things like that. But you're going to have to stay committed, and that's always the hard part. Y'all trying to stay committed to something that you know that you want. But when your mindset changes to that place where you're like, okay, well, my standards are different now, they're higher. You're going to step up to the plate. You're going to step up to the plate, you're going to step up to the mic. You're going to be able to achieve what it is that you want to do because of the fact your mindset has shifted. And y'all, I'm already on the third point. I told y'all I was going to hold y'all on today.

Speaker 1:

So the last benefit of having a higher standard is you're going to be a lot happier about yourself and your life when you finally get to a point where God you know what. I asked you to remove some things that was weighing my spirit down. I asked you to open my eyes to certain situations where I'm able to see things through your eyes and not my eyes, because sometimes we blind ourselves or we want to be in denial about certain situations, and that would help us to stay committed to the lower standard. But now, since you have a higher standard, you're going to see things totally different. You're going to put yourself as a priority when your standards are higher, the acceptance of foolery is not going to be happening, no more.

Speaker 1:

Let's just say, for example, you've been in a toxic relationship. I know that's a word people say they're tired of hearing, but that's called a spade. A spade with this one You've been in something that you know wasn't going to benefit your spirit. It wasn't going to benefit you personally, not for any business plans, personal plans, goals or anything like that. But you were in this certain situation and after a while you get tired. You get so tired of the same cycle. You get tired, you get so tired of the same cycle and you get up and you find, like you know what, god, I'm tired, so you start shifting. Like for me, I'm gonna be honest with y'all.

Speaker 1:

For me, when I was in my marriage, my first marriage, um, I knew I was tired, I knew it was time for me to go. Uh, man, mainly because I know it was time for me to go, because of the fact I wanted to. I wanted to end everything for me, for Shantay, I did not want to be on earth, no more. Um, the depression had got so heavy of what I was feeling within that marriage and once I got out of it, I was like, well, god, you know what. I had to shift it when it came down to me wanting to have a potential husband. And when I got out of that marriage, I promise you I did not want to get married again. No, I was good on it, didn't like it at all.

Speaker 1:

But you know, he was like you deserve a husband, you deserve to be loved, you deserve for your girls to have a father figure. That's, um, you know, consistent and and things like that. So once I finally got to a point where I received it because that's the thing everybody around you can tell you you deserve this, you deserve that. But if you don't believe it, your mindset ain't going to change, it's going to stay the same. So when I finally got to a point where I was like you know what I deserve love. I deserve to go out on dates, I deserve to be treated like the queen that I am, like all these affirmations that I had to start telling myself, I had to start speaking to myself. And then, once I finally got to that point, once I got into another relationship or, you know, got into this marriage that I'm in now, I knew what I wasn't going to accept.

Speaker 1:

And once I got to a place where I found out you know what, I'm not going to get complacent in any situation where it's messing with your mindset, your standards, your goals, your purpose and things like that. So y'all, that's all I have on today. You have to set the standard and you better set it to a point where you know it's higher than what it was previously, when you was not happy with yourself or you wasn't happy with your placement in your career or in a relationship or anything like that. You have a higher standard and you have to set that standard because if you're expecting somebody else to do it for you, it's not going to happen, because if you're expecting somebody else to do it for you, it's not going to happen. Nobody's going to take the pride that you have in yourself like you should take the pride into yourself.

Speaker 1:

You have to know you're your number one player. Like yo, I'm my number one fan. I'm my number one kickback. You know it's good to have people around you who push you and motivate you, but you have to be in tune with yourself before everything else. So once you get to a place where you know what, I'm going to leave everything behind that was weighing me down. I'm going to set this standard higher. I'm going up a notch. Then you ready and I just want you to tell yourself every single day you have a higher standard. Tell yourself I have a higher standard and think about it Like if something getting heavy on you. Just tell yourself that I have a higher standard and then you start making moves to make sure that you are on that standard. Are you elevating to the place that you would like to be? And if you're struggling with it, I pray that right now that God takes his arms and wrap them around you and whisper in your ear and just let you know that he is with you so you're not going through anything alone. You know he's going to place the people around you that you're going to need and the encouragement that you're going to need while you go through this process, because that's what it is Life is an ongoing process.

Speaker 1:

You are not the same person that you were yesterday. Two weeks ago, like I know, I made a motivation. It wasn't a motivation Monday, but it was a motivation video that I had made telling you you have to get adjusted to the new me and that is just you when you go through things in life, you become a different person, but you become the person that you want to become like, the person you want to be molded into. You become that person, like for me, I always want to be a woman that my girls look up to, because I have four kids, but when it comes down to my girls, I need to always be the role model and that's something that I am very, uh, particular about, the way that I operate and stuff like that. I need them to know that. You know what my mama's, that my mama good, she, like she, she really she be holding it down, like she is our role model.

Speaker 1:

So, y'all, but that's all I have on today for episode four of Tay Talks Podcast. I will see you all. We only do this once a month until God tells me something different. So the next podcast will be released next month, the last week of the month. So y'all have an amazing, amazing week. Stay safe. I know Easter is coming up, so be careful if you're traveling back and forth or whatever you may be doing. But that's all I have for y'all. Love y'all. Talk to y'all later. Bye.